Deepika Padukone and her mother, Ujjala Padukone, were recently spotted at the airport, looking effortlessly chic in cool and casual outfits. As fans celebrated the 16th anniversary of Deepika’s debut film, “Om Shanti Om,” she and her mother caught the attention of onlookers with their stylish looks.
In the video that surfaced online, Deepika was seen wearing baggy jeans and an oversized white jumper, with her hair tied in a neat bun. She completed her look with dainty gold jewelry, black sunglasses, and white sneakers. Her mother, Ujjala, also looked stunning in a black sweatshirt and matching joggers, accessorized with dainty gold jewelry and white sneakers, and carrying a beige tote bag. Deepika was seen affectionately holding her mother as they made their way through the airport.
Many fans couldn’t contain their excitement and flooded the comments section with love and appreciation for the mother-daughter duo. Comments such as “mom daughter goallssss,” “She’s so down to Earth and the most classy queen ever,” and “Queen always and forever” filled the comments section, showing the adoration of Deepika’s fans towards her and her mother.
Deepika’s close relationship with her mother was also recently discussed during her appearance on “Koffee with Karan 8” with Ranveer Singh. Deepika shared that her mother was the first person to recognize that she needed professional help and was struggling with mental health issues.
As fans continue to admire and support Deepika, her appearance with her mother at the airport has only reinforced the love and admiration for the Bollywood actress and her elegant mother.
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