Madhya Pradesh’s Chief Minister Shivraj Chouhan’s “Ladli Behna” scheme for women has been hailed as a game changer in the state’s assembly elections, with the BJP leading in 160 out of 230 seats, according to the latest figures from the Election Commission.
Union Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia, who switched over from the Congress to the BJP in 2020, credited the success in the polls to the BJP’s “double engine government,” Prime Minister Modi’s leadership, and the welfare schemes implemented by Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan.
Scindia also took a swipe at the Congress, claiming that the party was busy preparing “Ladoos and congratulatory posters” while the BJP was carrying out its work silently.
The BJP is also leading in Rajasthan and aiming to capture Chhattisgarh from the Congress, while the Congress is poised to oust the K Chandrasekhar Rao-led BRS government in Telangana.
The election in Madhya Pradesh was a fight between the BJP and the Congress, with the BJP banking heavily on schemes like the “Ladli Behna Yojana,” which transfers Rs 1250 monthly to eligible women from poor families in the state. While the Congress has criticized it as an election sop, BJP leaders argue that it is in line with the party’s efforts to empower women.
As the counting of votes continues, Congress leader Kamal Nath is leading in Chhindwara, while incumbent Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan is leading in Budhni.
The BJP’s success in Madhya Pradesh is a clear indication of the positive impact of the “Ladli Behna” scheme and the party’s efforts to empower women in the state.
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