Last week, the BSE benchmark jumped 890.05 points or 1.37 per cent, leading to a combined market valuation increase of Rs 1,50,679.28 crore for seven of the top 10 valued firms. IT giants Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) and Infosys emerged as the biggest gainers in the overall optimistic trend in equities.
The valuation of TCS soared by Rs 62,148.99 crore to reach Rs 12,81,637.63 crore, while Infosys’ market capitalization (mcap) rallied by Rs 28,616.98 crore to Rs 5,96,681.75 crore. Reliance Industries and HDFC Bank also experienced significant growth in their market valuation, climbing by Rs 28,111.41 crore and Rs 11,136.61 crore respectively.
On the other hand, ICICI Bank, State Bank of India, and Bajaj Finance faced erosion from their market valuation, with State Bank of India’s mcap tumbling by Rs 14,502.5 crore to Rs 5,02,589.52 crore.
Reliance Industries retained the title of the most valued company, followed by TCS, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Infosys, Hindustan Unilever, ITC, Bharti Airtel, State Bank of India, and Bajaj Finance. Overall, the positive movement in the market was reflected in the growth of these top firms’ market valuations.
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