After 20 years of studying the eating habits of 100-year-old people, I have discovered the world’s healthiest breakfast.

Costa Rica’s Nicoya Peninsula may be home to the world’s healthiest breakfast. I took a look at the longevity secret of the Nicoya people, many of whom live to be 100 years old. Researchers attribute this, in part, to the diet in this part of the world.

Under a red-tiled roof in Nicoya, Costa Rica, a dozen or so people of the Cooperativa Nicoya start their day at 4 a.m. They make a healthy breakfast of corn tortillas, black beans, and onions. The corn tortillas are an excellent source of whole grains and are low on the glycemic index. Wood ash is used to break down the corn’s cell walls, which frees amino acids so the body can absorb them. The black beans are a great source of anthocyanins, just like blueberries, and great for blood pressure regulation. The beans are also filled with potassium and B vitamins.

Several f0ods are grown on the Nicoya like sweet peppers, squash, culantro coyote, and garlic. Several recipes made from these fresh ingredients are included and are used for breakfast, lunch, dinners, and are a staple in Costa Rican kitchens.

This meal contains everything necessary for human sustanance. A Costa Rican breakfast like this can be made just once to last you the entire week and costs a very fair $4.23.

Writer, Dan Buettner has written two bestselling books about ‘The Blue Zones’ phenomenon. The Blue Zones are regions of the world where people live longer, healthier, and happier lives. These regions are home to the world’s healthiest people. Buettner is not only a talented writer and expert on longevity, but also a researcher, National Geographic fellow, and award-winning journalist and producer.