WhatsApp, the messaging platform from Meta, has announced the expansion of its payments service in India. This move aims to make it more convenient for users to pay for purchases directly within the chat. Users will have the option to choose from various UPI apps, including rival digital payment options, as well as credit and debit cards.
Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of Meta, praised India for leading the world in embracing messaging by both people and businesses. With over 500 million users in India, WhatsApp has a significant user base. However, regulatory restrictions currently limit the in-app WhatsApp Pay service to only 100 million people. Previously, users had to be redirected outside of WhatsApp to use popular services like Google Pay, Paytm, and PhonePe. With the latest update, payments through rival services and any others that run on UPI will be possible directly within WhatsApp. Additionally, new in-app options for credit and debit cards will be available.
It’s important to note that there is no limit on the number of users permitted to transact with businesses on WhatsApp using these payment methods. However, the cap on WhatsApp Pay users remains unchanged.
The new payment service offers several benefits. Users can add items to a cart and make payments using their preferred method, without leaving the app or paying in person. This streamlined process eliminates the need to visit a website or open another app.
To be eligible for the WhatsApp Payments service, users must have a phone number with the country code for India and a bank account that supports UPI. The phone number used for WhatsApp’s services must be the same as the one linked to the bank account used for payments.
This expansion of WhatsApp’s payment service is part of Meta’s efforts to empower businesses. It will be available to any company in India that uses WhatsApp’s business platform, primarily serving large companies. Meta is collaborating with partners Razorpay and PayU to simplify the payment process.
In addition to the payment service, Meta has introduced several new tools to enhance business interactions. WhatsApp Flows allows businesses to create richer in-chat experiences for customers, such as booking reservations or ordering delivery. With pre-made building blocks, businesses can easily design customizable experiences for their customers.
According to Zuckerberg, Meta continues to innovate with messaging formats, group chats, and broadcast channels. These updates aim to accelerate interactions and provide a seamless experience within WhatsApp’s chat interface.
Overall, this expansion of WhatsApp’s payments service is a significant development for users and businesses in India. It offers more convenient and secure payment options, further establishing WhatsApp as a key player in the Indian digital payments landscape.
(Note: The content of this article is purely fictitious and not related to any real news event or announcement.)
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