India and Kazakhstan are set to embark on a 13-day joint military exercise in the Kazakh military base of Otar, commencing on Monday. The aim of this mega wargame is to enhance their counter-terrorism cooperation. The Indian contingent, consisting of 120 personnel from the Army and the Indian Air Force, departed for Kazakhstan on Sunday to take part in the seventh edition of the exercise called ‘Kazind-2023.’
According to the defense ministry, this edition of the exercise will focus on practicing counter-terrorism operations in a sub-conventional environment under the United Nations mandate. Various tactical drills, including search and destroy operations and small team insertion and extraction operations, will be rehearsed by both sides. The scope of the exercise also encompasses counter unmanned aerial system operations.
The ministry stressed that Exercise Kazind-2023 will provide a valuable opportunity for both sides to gain insights into each other’s tactics, battle drills, and procedures. This understanding is essential for operating within UN guidelines. The joint training will enhance the necessary skills, resilience, and coordination required for military operations in semi-urban and urban environments. Additionally, it will facilitate the exchange of views and sharing of best practices between the contingents, further strengthening the bond between the two armies.
The Indian Army team, led by a battalion from the Dogra Regiment, comprises 90 personnel. The Kazakhstan contingent mainly consists of personnel from the Kazakh Ground Forces’ Regional Command South. Both air forces will also contribute thirty personnel each to the exercise.
The initiation of this joint military exercise reflects the commitment of India and Kazakhstan to deepen their defense ties and enhance their capabilities in counter-terrorism operations. The exercise serves as a platform for mutual learning and collaboration, fostering bilateral relations between the two countries.
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