India renews call for reform, citing UNSC’s “crisis of credibility”

India Calls for Reforms in the United Nations to Address Ineffectiveness of the Security Council

India has highlighted the urgent need for reforms in the United Nations (UN), stating that the world’s inability to reach peaceful resolutions of disputes through the global organization is due to the ineffectiveness of its core body, the UN Security Council. In an address at a UN Security Council (UNSC) debate on October 20, India’s permanent ambassador to the UN, Ruchira Kamboj, emphasized the importance of overcoming the crisis of credibility within the UN.

Kamboj stressed the need for comprehensive reforms and stated, “Unless we undertake comprehensive reforms and get this house in order, we will continue to face a continuing crisis of credibility.” She further advocated for a new orientation towards reformed multilateralism, emphasizing that genuine solidarity cannot exist without trust.

During the debate, Kamboj also highlighted the majority support from the Global South for expanding the membership of the UN Security Council. She stated, “An overwhelming majority of countries from the Global South share our conviction that a reform of the UN architecture is no more a question of why, but when and how soon.” Kamboj called for change in the direction of a reformed multilateralism, including the expansion of the Security Council.

Furthermore, Kamboj emphasized the importance of rebuilding trust in multilateral institutions, especially in the face of numerous global challenges. She stated, “Today when the world is confronted with multiple challenges, it is important for us to have an honest conversation on how to rebuild trust in multilateral institutions.” Kamboj also praised Brazil for its Presidency of the UN Security Council during the month of October.

India also expressed support for resolving disputes through negotiations and discussions. Kamboj reiterated the UN Charter’s call for dispute resolution through negotiations and highlighted the effectiveness of bilateral discussions, regional mechanisms, and sub-regional organizations in achieving mutually acceptable solutions.

In conclusion, India’s call for reforms in the UN and its emphasis on rebuilding trust highlight the country’s commitment to addressing the challenges facing the global organization. By advocating for a reformed multilateralism and expanded membership in the Security Council, India aims to strengthen the UN’s credibility and effectiveness in resolving disputes and promoting peace worldwide.
