Title: Entrepreneur Transforms Small Wisconsin Town into Thriving Tourist Destination
For the past two years, experienced property developer Matt Rogatz embarked on a weekly five-hour round trip from his home in northern Chicago to the charming town of Green Lake, Wisconsin. With a population of just 1,005, the small town held minimal significance for Rogatz until he stumbled upon an unexpected opportunity that would reshape his career and breathe new life into the community.
Rogatz, boasting a successful 30-year career in industrial real estate with over 400 transactions totaling more than $750 million, reached a point of stagnancy. Feeling unfulfilled and desiring personal growth, he found himself on the brink of a midlife crisis. Retirement was not an option for the ambitious entrepreneur who craved a new challenge to invigorate his life.
Initially skeptical of the hospitality industry due to concerns over hotel management and stories of theft in the restaurant business, Rogatz’s perspective shifted upon conducting an internet search in early 2021.
During a routine day on his computer, Rogatz stumbled upon an opportunity that would change the course of his life. The Green Lake Inn, a small hotel situated just minutes away from Green Lake’s downtown area and known for being the deepest lake in Wisconsin, was listed for sale. Intrigued by the property’s potential, Rogatz took a leap of faith, viewing it as a potential getaway for himself and his extended family if things didn’t go as planned.
However, Rogatz’s worst-case scenario never materialized. Instead, he discovered a newfound hope amidst the challenges. With the post-Covid resurgence in travel and people’s desire to resume activities, Rogatz realized he was onto something special. The first year proved profitable, confirming his instincts and prompting him to continue expanding his newfound venture.
Building upon his initial success, Rogatz seized opportunities to acquire additional properties. One significant purchase was The Manor, a picturesque waterside villa and guest house boasting stunning views of the lake. Rogatz transformed the seven-bedroom, seven-bathroom property into an exquisite accommodation option, perfect for hosting weddings in conjunction with the Green Lake Inn.
Adding to his portfolio, Rogatz acquired the local spa, Élan Brio. By incorporating beauty treatments and saltwater pool experiences into wedding packages, he solidified his position within the wedding industry. Rogatz didn’t stop there; he partnered with local golf courses, established the Goose Blind bar and restaurant, and even purchased a minibus to shuttle guests between venues, offering comprehensive vacation packages.
Rogatz’s vision continued to expand, driven by his ambition and entrepreneurial spirit. He recently acquired Green Lake’s former jail, which he intends to repurpose into a thriving hub for activities, including cooking classes, boutiques, a flea market, and even laser tag and obstacle courses.
Through his relentless efforts and strategic acquisitions, Rogatz has sparked a renaissance in Green Lake, transforming it into a year-round tourist destination. As an advisor on the Green Lake Economic Development Committee, he collaborates with other local investors who have also revitalized the area by purchasing golf courses, cafes, hotels, and even bowling alleys.
While concerns have been raised about the town losing its quiet charm, Lisa Meier, the executive director of the Green Lake Area Chamber of Commerce, welcomes the newfound attention. She believes Rogatz’s ventures will further elevate the community, solidifying Green Lake as a destination worthy of recognition throughout the year.
With a personal mission to see Green Lake thrive, Rogatz plans to market the town to adventure sports groups in Chicago. He aims to create a diverse range of activities, even during the typically serene winter months, such as ice sailing, ice fishing, curling, and dog sledding.
In the midst of this transformation, Rogatz and his growing tourism operation, Our Green Lake, have proven instrumental in reshaping not just the town’s landscape but also its sense of identity. Rejuvenated and reenergized, Green Lake has become a place where visitors can escape the stress of city life and embrace a sense of peace and relaxation.
As Rogatz continues to defy expectations and nurture his thriving enterprise, his visionary approach has firmly positioned him as an influential figure in the local community. By investing in Green Lake’s potential, he has reignited hope and breathed new life into a small-town gem that was once overlooked but is now firmly on the map of must-visit destinations.
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