The Lok Sabha Ethics Committee has rescheduled the appearance of Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra in the cash-for-query case. Instead of appearing on October 31 as initially scheduled, Moitra is now required to appear before the committee on November 2. The committee, however, made it clear that no further extension would be granted.
Moitra had sent a letter to the Ethics Committee on Friday, expressing her inability to appear on October 31. She stated that she would only be available after November 5. In response, the committee extended the date of Moitra’s appearance by three days.
The committee emphasized that it would not entertain any requests for additional extensions beyond the rescheduled date. The Ethics Committee is currently investigating allegations made by BJP MP Nishikant Dubey against Moitra. Dubey has accused her of accepting bribes and favors in exchange for asking questions in the Lok Sabha on behalf of businessman Hiranandani.
On Thursday, Dubey and advocate Jai Anant Dehadrai provided “oral evidence” to the committee in support of their allegations against Moitra. In her defense, Moitra has requested a fair hearing and an adequate opportunity to defend herself against the false and defamatory accusations made by Dubey and Dehadrai.
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