Rephrase the title:Is there really another planet hiding deep inside our Earth?

Scientists have long been puzzled by the origins of the Moon. According to the widely accepted theory, the Moon was formed around 4.5 billion years ago as a result of a massive collision between the early Earth, known as Gaia, and a Mars-sized proto-planet called Theia. This collision created a significant amount of planetary debris, which eventually came together to form our Moon.

However, the similarity in composition between the Earth and the Moon has cast doubt on this theory. Some scientists have suggested that the materials on Earth may have been thoroughly mixed during the collision, but there has been a lack of definitive evidence to support this hypothesis. Fortunately, recent research has shed light on these mysteries.

Using an innovative computational fluid dynamics approach called Meshless Finite Mass, researchers have simulated how materials on and within the Earth may have mixed and diffused after the impact. They have discovered that the upper mantle of the Earth formed a molten ocean containing materials from both Gaia and Theia, while the lower mantle remained relatively untouched.

This division within the mantle may still exist today. The lower mantle of the Earth could still be predominantly composed of pre-impact Gaian materials, characterized by a distinctive elemental composition with higher silicon content. This challenges the previous notion of Earth becoming more homogeneous after the Moon-forming collision and suggests that the event may have initiated heterogeneity within the early mantle, laying the groundwork for Earth’s geological evolution over billions of years.

Another mystery in Earth’s interior is the origin of Large Low Velocity Provinces (LLVPs), which are regions at the base of the mantle that significantly slow down seismic waves. Researchers propose that these regions may have evolved from Theian materials that infiltrated Gaia’s lower mantle. By analyzing simulations of giant impacts and conducting new high-precision simulations, the research team has found that approximately 2% of Earth’s mass consists of Theian mantle material that settled in Gaia’s lower mantle over billions of years, eventually crystallizing into the stable LLVP regions.

Overall, this newfound understanding of Earth’s interior has profound implications. It deepens our knowledge of mantle evolution, the history of supercontinents, and the complexities of Earth’s tectonic plates. It also provides insights into the ancient Earth, Gaia, and Theia, shedding light on the formation of the entire solar system.

Furthermore, this understanding of Earth’s heterogeneity offers clues about the formation of features like Hawaii and Iceland. These regions likely emerged from mantle plumes, which are upward-moving thermal currents driven by mantle convection. Geochemists have discovered that these regions contain components that differ from the usual surface materials, revealing traces of heterogeneity in the deep mantle dating back billions of years.