Samsung introduced its latest smartphone in India under the Galaxy A series with the launch of the Galaxy A05. The smartphone comes with a 50MP wide-angle camera and is available in two variants – 6GB+128 GB and 4GB+64GB, priced at Rs 12,499 and Rs 9,999, respectively. It will be available in three different colors.
The device is equipped with a 5000 mAh battery, a 6.7-inch HD+ display, MediaTek G85 processor, and boasts the iconic Galaxy signature design. Samsung MX Division’s Category Head, Akshay S Rao, expressed excitement about the new smartphone’s features and design.
The MediaTek G85 processor of the Galaxy A05 provides improved power and speed for efficient multitasking. It also has a RAM plus feature that intelligently analyzes usage patterns and allocates extra virtual RAM of up to 6 GB.
The smartphone features a dual camera setup, consisting of a 50MP wide-angle camera and a 2MP depth-sensing camera, as well as an 8MP front camera. It also supports up to 25W Super-Fast Charging, which ensures quick and efficient power replenishment.
Furthermore, the Galaxy A05 will receive four years of security updates and two generations of OS upgrades, ensuring it stays updated and future-ready.
The launch of the Galaxy A05 adds to Samsung’s diverse smartphone portfolio, catering to a wide range of consumer preferences.
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