Rephrase the title:These primitive human ancestors were burying their dead 100,000 years before us!

Ancient Burial Site Challenges Ideas about Human Evolution By Pierre Herubel The act of burying the deceased has long been considered a distinctly human tradition, serving as a symbol of acknowledging a life once lived. However, a burial site dating back 200,000 years, recently discovered in South Africa, has raised questions about the truly “human”…

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Study finds evidence that Neanderthals constructed fireplaces for cooking, similar to modern humans

Title: Neanderthals Revealed: Ancient Hominids Hunted Cave Lions and Mastered Fire By Pierre Herubel In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers have uncovered new evidence about the fascinating lives of Neanderthals, dispelling misconceptions about their intelligence and creativity. Recent studies have revealed that these hominids hunted enormous Eurasian cave lions, surpassing the size of modern-day lions. Additionally,…

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